Programming is the magic that makes us realize the direction we want. Experience web programming by solving problems in web services around us.
What you will learn!
Change the style of web services around us directly
Automate form and button input on web pages
Understanding markup documents and basic HTML concepts
How to express web page styles with CSS
Getting started with light and fun web programming!
Learn the essential knowledge by working directly with code.
This course is designed for people who are not proficient in programming, and will teach you the minimum knowledge you need. After a basic language introduction or a simple explanation, we will conduct practical exercises in between to increase the learner's understanding. Since we will not cover in-depth parts, we recommend self-directed learning through recommended reference materials.
We access elements of web pages, such as input fields, buttons, and checkboxes, that we encounter in web services around us, through programming. We can directly modify parts of web services that we find inconvenient through code and share them with people who have had similar experiences.
Introduction to education, background on the web
Learn HTML and CSS to solve web service problems or customize services to your liking.
If you know more about CSS selectors, you can make a cute cat wallpaper appear on your background :D
▲ Background photo source: Florian Olivo
Among the JavaScript functions, we will focus on DOM control and introduce a method to handle surrounding web services through programming.
▲ Enter payment information for the simple payment service Kakao Pay and send it via KakaoTalk
Introducing how to create a web extension that blocks ads and shows you only the content you want to see.
I'm thinking about the ethical use of programming.
The lectures will be conducted using Google Chrome, but you may use any modern web browser you are comfortable with, such as Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.
I do all engineering related to web UI.
I started developing because I enjoyed the development club activities.
I am currently studying robotics and am interested in reinforcement learning and servers. I want to become a developer who is good at writing.
I started programming when I was young, starting with Turbo C and Borland C++, and I've been working as a developer for about 10 years.
I have experience in web, app, mobile and browser engine development and am currently working as a full-stack engineer for a global OTA company in Bangkok.
I was in charge of creating the introduction to HTML and introduction to CSS training. Due to personal reasons, teachers Kim Jeong-in and Yang A-reum will be giving the lectures instead.
I naturally became interested in programming while learning development at Mirim Girls' Information Science High School.
I want to become a developer who has diverse experiences.
🙏 Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Yu-ri, Yoon Hee-na, Lee Ye-seul, and Heo Yu-jun who participated as beta testers in advance thank you
Who is this course right for?
For those who want to start programming lightly
People who know programming languages and grammar but are wondering how to use them
Anyone who feels burdened by planning a software project from scratch
Anyone who wants to find an opportunity to create their own software
Need to know before starting?
Knowledge of CSS or JavaScript is preferred
설리번 프로젝트는 2015년부터 현재까지 수강생들이 자발적으로 기술을 활용하여 사회적 문제를 해결할 수 있도록 돕는 기술교육 봉사활동을 진행하고 있는 커뮤니티입니다. 고등학생, 대학생, 직장인에 이르기까지 기술교육에 열정을 가진 사람들이 선생님으로 함께하고 있습니다.
설리번 프로젝트에 대한 자세한 링크는 다음 홈페이지를 참고해주시기 바랍니다.
설리번 프로젝트는 이번 상반기에 3가지의 온라인 교육을 다음과 같이 준비하였습니다.
가. 공부에 대한 흥미를 돋우는 게임 제작하기
나. 층간 소음 문제를 해결할 수 있는 앱 제작하기
다. 프로그래밍 기초·실습
잘 부탁드립니다.
20 lectures ∙ (1hr 39min)
are provided.