Reviews 8
Average rating 5.0
This is a lecture where you can practice how the program works when Hadoop is configured as a single node. I think it is better to focus on following along rather than the theoretical part of Hadoop. Since this lecture does not cover distributed processing, those who expected such things may be disappointed. As one student wrote, it does not seem easy to understand the Hadoop system after listening to this lecture. You need to know Java, and it is a lecture that is difficult to understand for those who have never programmed before. However, considering that there are not many places that teach this type of programming, I think it is worth watching and following along.
Yes, thank you for your evaluation. When I started the Hadoop lecture, I focused more on the definition of Hadoop, the internal system configuration, Hadoop installation, and Java programming than on how to make it easy for students to follow. Nevertheless, I want to give high marks to students who follow along to this point. I hope that Hadoop experts will be abundant in Korea once again.