Reviews 7
Average rating 5.0
The best instructor teacher. A wonderful instructor who is easy on the ears and teaches the principles of macros very well. I want to continue learning. I want to study how to create a user form and add commands. I want to study how to input weekly income and expenditures for 52 weeks of offering records used in churches and print each item weekly. I want to study monthly reports, quarterly reports, input forms, combo boxes, etc.
joinho1022! Thank you for your good review. I tried to include the contents of the custom form, but I couldn't because it seemed like the learning volume would be too much. ㅠㅠ I will review adding the custom form in the future if possible. The last part of the book I wrote, 'Practical Excel Macro and VBA that Works Right at Your Company', is an example using the custom form. This part is not included in the paper book, but is provided as a PDF file, and can be downloaded for free from the publisher's (Hanbit Media) website. It would be helpful if you download it from the link below and look at it with the practice file. https://www.hanbit.co.kr/support/supplement_survey.html?pcode=B2672932319 In particular, the 'Creating a Remodeling Order Customer Management Program' example seems similar to the case of entering, searching, and printing church donation information.