해결된 질문
답변 2
Hello this is Gulshan Negi
Well, I search about it on internet and in short I can say.
The main difference between df.sum() and sum(df) is their usage and the objects they operate on.
df.sum() is a pandas DataFrame method that calculates the sum of each column by default. It returns a new pandas Series object containing the column-wise sums. It provides flexibility in specifying the axis of summation and handling missing or non-numeric values appropriately.
On the other hand, sum(df) is a built-in Python function that attempts to iterate over the columns of a data frame and calculate their sum. However, this usage might not work as intended because DataFrames are not inherently iterable in the same way as Python lists or tuples.
sum(df) 파이썬 기본 함수
df.sum() 판다스 함수(정확히는 메소드)
입니다 💪
숫자외에 문자 컬럼이 있을 경우 판다스 버전이 업데이트되면서 워닝이 발생해요
df.sum(numeric_only=True)로 설정해주세요