This course is mainly about ADO.NET and will be practiced with WinForms programs using the C# language. In addition, it will explain various fields such as database design, SQL writing, stored procedure writing, and libraries and transactions created with ADO.NET through practical programming through sample projects.
What you will learn!
Learn how to use the database project provided in Visual Studio.
Database Programming
To develop an actual DB linkage program
You will learn advanced ADO.NET techniques.
This course provides comprehensive information necessary for those who are actually working on a program or have completed a prerequisite course to develop a database-linked program. Since it is explained while developing an actual project, beginners can learn a lot of advanced techniques in a short period of time. Of course, there may be parts that you do not understand, but if you ask questions using the lecture Q&A bulletin board, I will answer them sincerely.
The main content of the course is ADO.NET. Also, database design, writing stored procedures, etc. are all included in the course. And the part of using ADO.NET in C# program to connect to the database server, and the development of the database connection library that we will use are also included. WinForms were adopted because we need to check the development results, so we do not cover WinForms program from the beginning to the end.
This is for those who have taken or are familiar with database SQL, database design, and C# programming basics. Since the lectures mentioned above only explain their respective fields, it will be necessary to have an opportunity to cover the entirety of how the database works, how SQL is created, how it is expressed in the program, and how the program communicates with the database server. Therefore, this project is structured in a way that you select a practical project and develop it yourself. However, due to time constraints, I will not explain the basic contents in detail. Please refer to the basic prerequisite course for these contents.
Q. Can non-majors also take the course?
A. Anyone who understands the subject can listen to it sufficiently.
Q. Why should I learn ADO.NET?
A. ADO.NET is a framework for database connection. These days, there are almost no programs that do not handle databases. It is therefore essential. ADO.NET provides a standard interface that connects to all types of databases, not just SQL Server, so it has a wide range of uses.
Q. Please tell us what prompted you to start this course.
A. This course is a continuation of the database-related courses and the basics of C# programming that have been offered so far. We plan to continue developing necessary courses related to C# in a series format in the future.
Who is this course right for?
For those who need database programming
For those who want to take a database course and apply it in practice
For those who want to do full-fledged database programming as a freelancer or developer
Need to know before starting?
Database SQL
Database Design
대략적인 학력 경력을 소개드리겠습니다.
1987년 2월 인하대학교 전자계산학과 졸업
1989년 2월 인하대학교 전자계산학과 대학원 졸업
2009년 8월 한국항공대학교 컴퓨터공학과 응용소프트웨어 박사과정 수료
주요 경력
1989년 1월 ~ 1992년 12월 삼보컴퓨터 기술연구소
1993년 1월 ~ 1995년 5월 삼성전자 워크스테이션 개발팀
1998년 1월 ~ 2005년 12월 주식회사 아이티에이 대표이사 (소프트웨어 개발, 데이터베이스 설계 및 구축)
2006년 1월 ~ 2017년 12월 국가 기록물 데이터베이스 구축사업 (PM)
2018년 5월 ~ 2019년 3월 코리아IT 컴퓨터 학원 강사 (C#, JAVA, Database)
2019년3월 ~ 현재 ERP, MES Database 설계
13 lectures ∙ (8hr 47min)
are provided.
Database Project
DataReader class