인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Programming Language

Lecture 1 for Java Basics

Please listen a lot. :) This is a helpful lecture for those who need to learn Java. You can learn Java theory in detail step by step from the basics.

(4.5) 28 reviews

256 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Java Basics

  • Object-oriented

  • Collection Framework

This is a lecture that explains the basics of Java in an easy-to-understand way using illustrations as examples.

If you have had difficulty learning Java, please choose my lecture. I will teach you basic knowledge at eye level . My lecture does not teach difficult theoretical knowledge. I will explain it as easily as possible so that you can understand it easily .

What you get after taking the course 📑

👦 Students - Increase your grades and grade points!

👨‍💻 Developer - The first step to start developing

👨‍💼 Planners & IT professionals - Basic knowledge to enable smooth conversation with developers

Course Structure 📚

  1. introduction
  2. annotation
  3. Data entry
  4. Variable
  5. operator
  6. arrangement
  7. Conditional statement
  8. Loop
  9. Object-oriented
  10. Object-oriented second
  11. Collection Framework
  12. Exception
  13. Thread
  14. File Io
  15. finish

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Easy-to-understand explanation with picture examples

A class that teaches step by step

Practice together

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This is a Java course for beginners.
This is a basic guide that even beginners to Java can easily understand.
After taking the introductory course, we recommend taking the basic course 1 .
Build a solid foundation in Java fundamentals
This course will help you upgrade to the next level.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • For those who are new to the programming language Java

  • Anyone who wants to learn coding

  • Anyone who needs to talk to a programmer

  • People who need to receive a transcript

Need to know before starting?

  • Simple English

  • Mathematical ability

This is











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[농협은행]보안체계 점검 및 고도화 방향성 수립


[롯데렌탈]차세대 대응개발

[농협은행]차세대 BI포탈 보고서 개발

[CJ오쇼핑]영업시스템 리뉴얼 구축 개발

[KDB캐피탈] 리테일 디지털금융 시스템 개발

[국방부] 국방전자도서관체계 고도화 및 군사자료 디지털 아카이브 체계 구축 사업

[국립중앙도서관] 클라우드 기반 통합자료관리시스템 고도화.

[현대중공업] 상시모니터링 시스템 구축 사업.

[한화호텔앤리조트] 영업관리.

[한화S&C] Project Management System.

[경남에너지] PoSS 구축 사업 참여.




113 lectures ∙ (17hr 21min)

Last updated: 


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