인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


etc. (Programming)

Regular expressions for web programming

Do you need regular expressions to validate user input in web programming?

(5.0) 2 reviews

65 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Writing a regular expression

  • Using Regular Expressions in Java, JavaScript, and SQL

Regular expressions are required, not optional

We have to use a lot of regular expressions in our programming process.

The most typical case is the verification process for user input values during web programming.

Below is an example of inflearn's membership registration screen. It is horrible to think that it is necessary to check whether the user's input matches the email format and whether the password complexity complies with the guide, but it is horrible to think that it is processed as a string.

Or it can be used for string pattern search in various programming fields such as Java, JavaScript, and SQL.

public C regexMatchers ( String ... regexPatterns ) { Assert . state (! this . anyRequestConfigured , "Can't configure regexMatchers after anyRequest" ); return chainRequestMatchers ( RequestMatchers . regexMatchers (regexPatterns)); }

It's just a simple string, but when you look at the expression, you wonder what it really means.

^ [\w.-] {1,64}@ [\w.-] {1,252}\.\w{2,4}$

It's not that difficult once you know a few things!

Regular expressions use several metacharacters to construct patterns and perform search and replacement operations. When I first learned Korean, even the letters ㄱ, ㄴ, and ㄷ were difficult, but now I can read and write them well, and just like that, regular expressions are not difficult if you learn just a few metacharacters.

To be honest, it is not easy to skillfully create a pattern with regular expressions. Fortunately, many of the regular expressions we need have already been developed. They just don't fit our tastes perfectly. Therefore, the ability we need is to find expressions that fit our purposes, read them, and modify them slightly to suit our tastes.

Even if you don't necessarily have to become an expert in regular expressions, don't you need to have the skills to comfortably read other regular expressions and modify them to suit the situation of your project/code?

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Anyone who wants to write regular expressions in web programs

  • All that needs string pattern search

Need to know before starting?

  • Java (a little unit testing)

  • JavaScript (Variable Declaration)

  • Sql (basic select statement)

This is









안녕하세요. 모두의 코딩:두딩입니다~

활용도가 높은 지식들을 쉽게 풀어서 설명하는게 너무 재미있고 수강생들이 이해했을 때 행복함을 느끼는 강사입니다. 20여년 넘게 강의와 개발을 오가며 활동했고 지금은 강의와 블로그, 유투브등을 통해서 소통하고 있습니다.

저의 작은 활동이 누군가의 삽질을 줄일 수 있다면 정말 뿌듯할 것 같습니다.





12 lectures ∙ (1hr 38min)

Lecture resources

are provided.

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