인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Foreign Language

English Small Talk Master: The Secret to Enjoying Every Conversation 200%

From first impressions to contracts, everything starts with conversation. Take this course now and use small talk as a weapon in your upcoming work situations to advance your career.

(4.2) 5 reviews

88 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • 1. Acquire natural small talk skills: Learn small talk skills that will allow you to naturally lead conversations in a business environment in English.

  • 2. Learn expressions for conversation: Learn vocabulary and expressions that can be used in a variety of situations.

  • 3. Improve your conversation skills in formal/informal situations: You will be able to converse confidently in informal situations outside of business.

  • 4. Understanding Culture and Context: Develop the conversational context of Western culture and the ability to understand it.

  • 5. Keep the conversation flowing: When a conversation gets boring or gets stuck, learn how to switch to a new topic.

  • 6. Ability to ask appropriate questions: You can ask appropriate questions to get to know the other person better and deepen your relationship.

  • 7. Build Business Relationships: Your ability to converse in English can help you expand your business network and connections.

  • 8. Make a confident first impression: Learn how to make a good first impression and achieve positive results.

  • 9. Stress-free English conversation: Learn how to converse in English stress-free using simple expressions and sentence structures.

Objectives of this lecture 🚩

  • Acquire natural small talk skills: Learn small talk skills to naturally lead conversations in a business environment in English.
  • Making a Confident First Impression: How to Make a Good First Impression and Get Positive Results from It
  • Improve your conversation skills in formal/casual situations: You will be able to converse confidently in casual situations outside of business.
  • Keep the conversation flowing: When a conversation gets boring or gets stuck, learn how to switch to a new topic.
  • The ability to ask appropriate questions: You can ask appropriate questions to get to know the other person better and deepen your relationship.
  • Stress-Free English Conversation : Learn how to converse in English stress-free using simple expressions and sentence structures.

Why this course?

  • Know-how from real business experience : I designed this course based on my real-life experience from overseas sales. It teaches small talk skills that are applicable in real situations, not just theory.
  • Prepare for a variety of situations : From everyday conversations to events, sports, weather, meetings, and projects, we provide thorough guidance to help you prepare for a variety of situations.
  • Step-by-step learning: Divided into steps from beginner to advanced, you can learn continuously without getting bored .
  • Practical learning materials: The course includes a variety of templates, sample dialogues, and checklists that you can use in real-world business situations.

You can use it like this

  • Natural small talk in business situations: Appropriate conversation before and after meetings, at networking events, informal business discussions, etc.
  • Build rapport with others quickly: The icebreaking skills I learned while working overseas help me build rapport with new people quickly and effectively.
  • Control the flow of conversation naturally: You will gain the ability to naturally change the flow of conversation when it gets boring or the topic needs to be changed.
  • Change your conversation strategy based on the other person's reactions : You can respond appropriately when the other person seems disinterested, indifferent, or distant.
  • Handle small talk across cultures and industries : You can flexibly handle conversational situations that may arise across a variety of industries and cultures, including IT, finance, and healthcare.

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Who is this course right for?

  • 1. Office workers who need business English: Office workers who want to communicate freely in English during meetings, presentations, networking events, etc.

  • 2. Overseas sales and marketing personnel: Those who want to further strengthen relationships with overseas clients or partners.

  • 3. Students who need English for their studies: College or graduate students who need English small talk for papers, presentations, group projects, etc.

  • 4. Travelers and immigrants: Those who want to quickly adapt to new cultures and people and feel confident in everyday English conversations.

  • 5. People who participate in English study or language exchange groups: People who want to learn useful expressions and sentences not only for everyday conversation but also for business situations.

This is











한국에서 한국어만 쓰다가 덜컥 KATUSA가 되어 영어를 공부하게 되었습니다. 시간이 있었기에 망정이지 시행착오가 너무 많았습니다. 그 시행착오를 피하고 진짜 내 표현을 만드는 영어를 가르칩니다. 실무에 바로 써먹을 수 있는 영어를요.

영어를 잘하기 위해서는 원어민이 될 필요는 없습니다. 당신에게 필요한 건 여기에 있습니다. 누구나 영어의 장벽을 넘어, 더 큰 기회에 도전하는 실력을 만들 때까지 함께 하겠습니다.

- 가벼운 학습지 저자
- 퍼블리 저자
- 前 스타트업 해외영업 팀장
- 삼성, LG 등 대기업 출강 7년차 강사



17 lectures ∙ (3hr 34min)

Last updated: 


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