인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
Game Dev


Game Programming

Learn iOS Janggi Game (Korean Chess) in Swift

Learn the basics of programming by creating a long-term game in Swift.

(5.0) 2 reviews

42 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Creating Swift Games

  • Creating iOS Long-Term Games

  • Basic programming syntax

  • Creating an iPhone App

The second in the Swift game series!
Creating a long-term game in Swift 🀄

Hello and welcome to our tutorial on creating long-term games .

Janggi can be seen as a very classic 1:1 strategy simulation game. It is a brain game where you predict your opponent's moves and try to find the most advantageous position.

Each piece has a condition under which it can move, and it can only move when that condition is met.

The most reliable way to learn a programming language is to
This is something you can implement directly with code.

Creating your own chess game is also a great example of learning programming .

By naturally coming into contact with basic programming syntax ( variables, constants, for loops, if statements, switch statements, function declarations, etc.), you can learn which syntax is used where and how.

In particular, we will learn how to control the movement of long-term eggs through Array array management (creation, addition, deletion, search).

It's a very simple game structure, but implementing it as a program is not that easy. But if you join me, you'll learn programming easily and enjoyably.

If you follow along step by step and make it yourself,
I am sure that you will find yourself with improved programming skills before you know it.

In this tutorial, we will implement various functions such as showing the movement path of the chess pieces, moving chess pieces, eating the opponent's piece, general function, sniper function, game over, and simple animation . First, we will implement a simple 1:1 turn-based structure where I place a piece once and pass the turn to the opponent, and when the opponent places a piece, the turn is passed back to me.

After completing this course, you will learn how to apply AI to the long-term game created in this course and automatically play against the computer in the next course. Therefore, you can think of this as a basic course that will serve as the basis for learning the next course.

If you climb the stairs one by one from the beginning, you will soon have a wonderful game completed.

So, would you like to make a game with me?

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these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • For those who are new to coding

  • Anyone who wants to create an iOS Apple app

Need to know before starting?

  • korean

This is











소프트웨어 공학 전공.


PHP 개발 경력 5년. JAVA 개발 경력 2년. SWIFT 개발 3년


Java Android 어플 개발.

Swift IOS 어플 개발.

홈페이지 개발 및 유지보수

- 파리인포 관광어플 개발

- 프랑스어 동사 변화 어플 개발

- 숙박업체 홈페이지 개발 및 유지보수

- 파리 요식업 홈페이지 유지보수

- 화장품 쇼핑몰 사이트 개발 및 유지보수

- 택배 회사 사이트 개발 및 유지보수

현재 프랑스 거주하며 프리랜서 프로그래머로 활동 중 입니다.

인스타 팔로우 해주세요^^ :  c_mieux_paris



31 lectures ∙ (8hr 58min)

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