인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고

Review 1

Average rating 2.0

Completed 100% of course

The example code analysis was too fast and there was no middle ground, so it was difficult to understand. Still, thank you for your hard work.

김경운님의 프로필 이미지

The example code is used repeatedly. The example code used in the previous lecture is modified and used in the later lecture to fit the topic. Therefore, if there is no modification in the part explained in the previous lecture, the part that was not modified will not be explained in the later lecture. If you skip the lecture because you know the topic, there may be parts that are omitted in the later lecture. Therefore, it is better not to skip the parts that you know and just watch it with a relaxed mind. Since Win32 programming is not the official scope of this lecture, only the parts that are absolutely necessary for I/O were explained. Therefore, there may be APIs that were omitted in the explanation. Please refer to the help for such APIs. With reference to bollokrenzhaeanseon's opinion, I added this information at the end of the lecture introduction video. Thank you.



94 lectures


100 students



94 lectures


100 students