인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고

Reviews 19

Average rating 5.0

Completed 100% of course

I majored in acting, but I am a job seeker who is preparing to become a developer. While serving in the military, I read a book called 'The Overtaking Lane of Wealth' and I became deeply interested in the great potential of the computer and software industry, so I have been studying development late. While reading the posting about 'Cases of Non-Majors Becoming Developers' that you linked to at the end of the lecture, I was surprised to find that two non-major developers had exactly the same reasons as me... One summer day in 2020, I suddenly decided, 'I have to become a developer!' and I enrolled in a government-funded academy without properly researching it, graduated, and am still studying development while preparing for employment. Then I came across this lecture, and as I listened to the first half of the lecture, I thought, 'Why did I decide to become a developer?' I had a question, and after thinking about it carefully, I realized that the book described above had a big impact on my heart. The introduction was long, but if I were to describe this lecture in one word, this lecture is the essence of the life of the knowledge sharer (not mentioning the name). He kindly tells me about the efforts he has made as a developer, and based on those experiences, what methods should be utilized to become a good developer, and about very efficient methods. It doesn't stop at just helping non-majors get new developers, but also provides a vision of how to build their careers and how to move to a better company. Although there is almost no code in the lecture except for the part about writing md files, I think it made me step into the world of developers in earnest. Also, this lecture inevitably includes a lot of the knowledge sharer's own stories, and as I continued to listen to the stories, I felt that the knowledge sharer is a developer who really does his best, and this was a good stimulus for me. This, like my private comment above, has become an opportunity for me to continue asking myself questions such as, 'Am I studying development well?', 'What does development mean to me?'. If I had to pick one thing that was a little disappointing, it would be the 'Resume' section. The contents of the 'Resume' and 'Portfolio' section in the 'Employment' section were truly the best of the best information that I cannot describe in words. And in the 'Resume' section, the explanation is given using the best resume samples of Lee Dong-wook and Yoo Yong-woo, and there is no doubt that these are samples that will be of great help to me when I become a career developer in the future. The fact that the resume is organized in order of competency is also very interesting. But while listening to the lecture, the question, ‘So what about a new developer’s resume?’ came to mind. At first glance, I heard that you received a lot of Q&A about your resume in the e-book and supplemented it this time, but also, the knowledge sharer explained using his own failed resume as an example, but as a non-major job seeker who has nothing to show except his portfolio, I was really disappointed that there were no more usable samples. However, I was satisfied with everything else, and in particular, the parts that introduced good books, YouTube videos, and lectures for studying development were very useful and good. I sincerely thank you for creating such a Git-filled lecture.

integerous님의 프로필 이미지

Thank you so much for leaving such a thoughtful review, Roko!!!ㅎㅎ I feel good because it seems like you understood the intention of my lecture well!!ㅎㅎ And I also thought a lot about the resume sample-! I didn't provide a sample resume because I thought that the most appealing resume to interviewers who receive hundreds of similar resumes is a unique resume. Of course, there are people who use the provided sample and make it different, but I thought that there would be more people who use the sample almost as is, and if that happens, everyone who takes my lecture and uses the sample as is could be disadvantaged in the resume evaluation because of the 'similar resume', so I didn't provide a sample-! Of course, I think that not providing a sample could be a big regret for Roko, and I agree with your opinion! Thank you for writing such a thoughtful review, so if you have a resume, I will look at it and give you feedback! Please send it to rhep0820@gmail.com!ㅎㅎ Thank you so much for the review!!ㅎㅎ

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