Computer Engineering for Developers 2: Network Study Alone
Free lecture by the author of the best-selling book, “Network Study Alone.” A summary of a network textbook that developers must know.
Network, tcpip, routing
Computer Engineering for Developers 2: Network Study Alone
Free lecture by the author of the best-selling book, “Network Study Alone.” A summary of a network textbook that developers must know.
Network, tcpip, routing
Computer Engineering for Developers 1: Computer Architecture + Operating Systems for Self-study
Bestseller 『Study Computer Architecture + Operating Systems on Your Own』 author's free lecture. A collection of computer architecture and operating systems books that developers must know.
Computer Architecture, Operating System, Tech Interview
Git & GitHub for Everyone
This is a lecture on the book [Everyone's Git & GitHub] published by Gilbut Publishing. It contains only the essentials of version control using Git and GitHub. You will learn how to use Git, which can be considered a developer's essential knowledge, without commands and how to use GitHub proficiently.
GitHub, Git
Quick git - Learn Git/Github by selecting only the essentials
Version control is now essential knowledge for developers. Let's learn Git and Github step by step, starting with basic git commands and signing up for Github :)
Git, GitHub, Version Control System