Have you completed the AWS beginner course but are you still lacking 2%? You thought you knew a lot about AWS but there are still some areas that need to be refined? Let's fill in that 2% with the AWS intermediate/advanced course! Until the day you become a Data Engineer Expert!
Section 9 lecture update complete!!
Hello students and everyone.
Section 9 SQS&SNS&SES Another two lecture videos have just been updated. And all the Section 9 lecture updates are finished^^
One of the updated lectures is about learning about SES briefly and comparing it to SNS. Another is about practicing the use of SNS and SQS. It is about creating a topic and subscriber in SNS, creating a queue in SQS, and then checking whether the message is properly delivered to the SQS queue when sending it to the topic.
Now I'm going to go and plan the lecture plan for Section 10 Docker Container Basics and AWS ECR & ECS~
thank you :)