인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Web Development

2022 30-Minute Summary Course Season 1: HTML, CSS, Linux, Bootstrap, Python, JS, jQuery&Ajax

This course will be a quick overview for those who are new to coding. It will be a quick review for those who are already coding. I hope you gain confidence through this course.

(4.8) 137 reviews

12,350 students


Jacobe's 50,000 student thank you event!!

Hello. This is Jeju Coding Base Camp!😊

Students! The total number of students at Jeju Coding Base Camp has exceeded 50,000 across all platforms!!👏👏👏

To show our appreciation for the enthusiastic support of our students, Jacobe is holding a thank you event.

✔ Only 5 days from Wednesday, April 7, 2021 to Sunday, April 11, 2021!

✔ #Inflearn Jacobe 30% discount on all courses!!

Thank you for your interest. 💕
