npx react-native init FoodDeliveryApp --template react-native-template-typescript를 치면 계속 이러한 에러메세지가 뜨면서 생성이 되지 않습니다. Command failed: yarn add react-native
Usage Error: The nearest package directory (C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\rncli-init-template-IJ9QGa) doesn't seem to be part of the project declared in C:\Users\USER.
- If C:\Users\USER isn't intended to be a project, remove any yarn.lock and/or package.json file there.
- If C:\Users\USER is intended to be a project, it might be that you forgot to list AppData/Local/Temp/rncli-init-template-IJ9QGa in its workspace configuration.
- Finally, if C:\Users\USER is fine and you intend AppData/Local/Temp/rncli-init-template-IJ9QGa to be treated as a completely separate project (not even a workspace), create an empty yarn.lock file in it.
$ yarn add [--json] [-E,--exact] [-T,--tilde] [-C,--caret] [-D,--dev] [-P,--peer] [-O,--optional] [--prefer-dev] [-i,--interactive] [--cached] [--mode #0] ... 않습니다.
제가 yarn을 아예 안 써서 애매하긴 하네요.
AppData/Local/Temp/rncli-init-template-IJ9QGa 폴더 안에 빈 yarn.lock 한 번 만들어보고 다시해보새요.