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jquery err message

21.06.14 22:09 작성 조회수 139


Brackets 에서 jquery 실행시 동작은 잘되는데 오류메세지가 21개 발생하는데 이상이 없는 건가요

'$' was used before it was defined.$(function(){1

Expected exactly one space between 'function' and '('.$(function(){1

Expected exactly one space between ')' and '{'.$(function(){1

Missing space between ')' and '{'.$(function(){2

Missing 'use strict' statement.$('.text').css({'display':'none'});2

Missing space between ':' and 'none'.$('.text').css({'display':'none'});3

Expected exactly one space between 'function' and '('.$('.show-btn').click(function(){3

Expected exactly one space between ')' and '{'.$('.show-btn').click(function(){3

Missing space between ')' and '{'.$('.show-btn').click(function(){4

Missing space between ':' and 'block'.$('.text').css({'display':'block'});6

Expected exactly one space between 'function' and '('.$('.hide-btn').click(function(){6

Expected exactly one space between ')' and '{'.$('.hide-btn').click(function(){6

Missing space between ')' and '{'.$('.hide-btn').click(function(){7

Missing space between ':' and 'none'.$('.text').css({'display':'none'});9

Expected ';' and instead saw '(end)'.}) ESLint (6)1

ERROR: '$' is not defined. [no-undef]$(function(){2

ERROR: '$' is not defined. [no-undef]$('.text').css({'display':'none'});3

ERROR: '$' is not defined. [no-undef]$('.show-btn').click(function(){4

ERROR: '$' is not defined. [no-undef]$('.text').css({'display':'block'});6

ERROR: '$' is not defined. [no-undef]$('.hide-btn').click(function(){7

ERROR: '$' is not defined. [no-undef]$('.text').css({'display':'none'});

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