인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고



<M.B.I.T> Create a test page! with Django

Create a web page that tests your development type! MBIT (My Best IT Personalities), not MBTI! You can learn the overall process of web development by creating your own 'MBIT Test Page'. (Uses Django 3.1 version.)

(4.8) 19 reviews

1,789 students


🔥 We are recruiting JE Kobe supporters JU 🔥

Hello! This is Jeju Coding Base Camp.

2021 Jacob Supporters aka We are recruiting for the 2nd batch !! 🔥
Please show lots of interest! (Please. Please. Please. Please🙇‍♂️)

◆ Qualifications for application
(7 college students and the general public who are interested in IT and coding and actively use SNS)
- People who want to organize their study process on SNS while studying coding
- People who want to learn coding on their own through online video lectures
- People who want to learn coding on their own but are hesitant because of the cost of the course
- Those who want to maximize the effectiveness of their studies by studying coding and participating in supporter activities

◆ Recruitment Period: Thursday, May 24, 2021 - Sunday, June 20, 2021

◆ Activity Period: July 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 (3 months)

◆ Main activities
- Write a review after taking Jacob's class
- Write a review of Jacobe goods
- Write a review of Jacobe Infraon lecture
- Write a review after participating in Winib's on/offline event

◆ Activity benefits
- You can freely move around regardless of time or place!
- After completing the supporter activity, a certificate of completion and activity fee of 100,000 won will be provided.
- Jacobe online course voucher and free coupon issuance
- Jacobe offers free participation in all events
- Provides Winib's own developer goods

◆ Announcement of successful applicants: Individual contact after selection of supporters (scheduled for selection on June 25)

Please check the supporters homepage for more details :)
Jacob Supporters Homepage: https://bit.ly/34b60O8

Go apply!!
