인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Job Search & Hunting

How did a non-major become a data analyst? [Datalian Seminar Replay | January 2024]

Are you worried about whether you can become a data analyst as a non-major? Hear from a non-major senior analyst!

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282 students


🤔 Which company should I start my first career as a data analyst? (Application deadline: 7/8)

Data analysts can be divided into ‘in-house data analysts’ and ‘consulting data analysts’ depending on the type of company they work for.

Next Tuesday (7/9) at 7 PM, there will be a seminar where you can learn about the differences between the two types of data analysts , with senior data analysts who have built their careers as consulting data analysts and in-house data analysts .

If you have a colleague or friend who is an aspiring data analyst or junior analyst who is worried about their first company or career, please share the seminar information with them 🙂

👉 Check out the seminar: https://bit.ly/3GmaJzu


Datalian July Seminar “Data Analysts, Which Company Should You Go To?”

📅 7/9 (Tue), 7pm ZOOM Online


[Part 1 Lecture] This is what data analysts at consulting firms do _ Kim Seon-young, Executive Director of Market Fit Lab Solutions Division

[Part 2 Panel Talk] What is the difference between an in-house data analyst and a consulting data analyst?


👉 Apply: https://bit.ly/3GmaJzu



