인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
Game Dev


Game Programming

[MMORPG Game Development Series with C# and Unity] Part 9: MMO Content Implementation (DB Linkage + Large Structure + Live Preparation)

This lecture continues the content implementation started in Part 7 by using EF Core learned in Part 8.

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[MMORPG game development series using C# and Unity] Update related


This is Rookiss, currently writing a series on [MMORPG game development using C# and Unity].

Today , the final part of the series [Part 9: MMO content implementation (DB linkage + large structure + live preparation)]
It's open and shared.

The subtitle of Part 9 is DB linkage / large structure / live preparation .



DB linkage

Unlike web servers, game servers must always be busy,
It is difficult to apply the method of linking a web server to a game server as is.
It is necessary to separate DB work and game logic work through thread management.
This also raises the thorny problem of handling various orderings.
When creating DB-linked content (items, inventory, character storage, etc.)
You will get hands-on practice in these areas.



large structure

If it's called an MMO, it should be able to accommodate hundreds of users in one space.
But why is it so difficult for many users to gather in the same space?
Explains why it is difficult to create an MMO despite the existence of a weapon called Threads.
You will learn about various server architectures.
And it is the most easily applicable form to the indie games we make.
After modifying the server, we will restore the DummyClient and test it.

Live preparation
Running an online game requires a lot of knowledge,
Let's take a look at the main contents and use the public DB.
Let's practice communication between a web server and a game server.

Also, Part 9 is the conclusion of the series.
The following lectures will help you understand server operations.
I am planning to create [Server Operation (Network Basics / Windows Server Practice / Linux Practice / AWS)]
It will be produced as an independent lecture with no specific connection to this series.



Lastly, regarding the lecture content, tuition, and difficulty level
I often receive many Q&As and inquiry emails.

[Easy difficulty + short production period + low tuition] vs [High difficulty + long production period + high tuition]
I was a bit worried about what direction to take the lecture in,
The former is considering that there are already plenty of other books and lectures.
In the future, for those who aim to become job/game programmers
I plan to produce lectures focused on intermediate/advanced difficulty.
C++ / Game Math / Data Structure & Algorithm / Windows C++ IOCP Server / DirectX12 / UE (order not yet determined)
In the C++-based lectures that will continue until 2021,
I plan to cover more advanced topics that are lower level than C#.



thank you!
