인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
Game Dev


Game Programming

Introduction to Unreal Engine 4 (C++ based)

This course is designed for those who are completely new to the Unreal Engine and covers the UE4 basics that are good to know before moving on to UE5.

(4.9) 70 reviews

1,991 students

Unreal Engine
UE Blueprint

Haker's Unreal Engine Source Code Analysis #2 (Network) Recruitment

https://www.inflearn.com/course/offline/ue5-%EC%86%8C%EC%8A%A4%EC%BD%94%EB%93%9C-%EB%B6%84%EC% 84%9D-part2

Hello, this is Rookiss.
Haker's Unreal Engine Source Code Analysis #2 (Network) recruitment has begun.

This lecture covers the network part of Unreal Engine.
In my personal opinion, this is the most practical and important part of all.
(My teaching assistant and I are also planning to listen very x10 diligently.)

Since there is so little data on dedicated servers, the mindset when dealing with dedicated servers in the field is "let's just get it running."
We often create content with great difficulty using minimal features such as replication and RPC.
But if you understand the inner workings, you can work more confidently,
You will become able to solve problems skillfully.

This lecture is longer than #1 (Framework), so it will be conducted in 12 sessions instead of 8.
In particular, we are considering recruiting current client programmers and job seekers with experience using Unreal Engine.
It's TMI, but I think it's a very interesting topic even from the perspective of a server programmer.
I also asked Haker about Unreal Networks 6 years ago.
I remember receiving technology sharing and it was really informative.
In this #2 network part, I also participated directly.
On behalf of everyone, I would like to ask Haker a number of questions.

Also, in the future, there will be many projects based on Unreal Dedicated Server.
I hope that the domestic gaming industry will also be revitalized.

Interview with Haker

The purpose of this network lecture is set as follows.

• Understanding of how Unreal Engine works up to the Socket API level
• Understand the internal workings of the replication engine:
Understanding the movement from Socket → Packet → Connection → ActorChannel → ObjectReplicator
• Understanding Reliable UDP operation based on Unreal's Dedicated Server
• Understand the relationship between World and Network World (PackageMap):
Understanding of components managed through networks between clients, such as NetGUIDCache
• Understanding of classes related to network play such as UNetDriver, UNetConnection, and UChannel

In relation to the above topics, I would like to analyze them in more depth and detail through code.

The skills that students will gain from this course are Unreal Debugging:
1. Ability to debug network engine level related to Unreal's Replication (Dedicated Server)
2. Improved insight into Unreal Network Engine level optimization
