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Kim Young-han's Practical Java Intermediate Part 2 - Generics and Collections Open Schedule Confirmed
hello everyone
Kim Young-han's Practical Java Intermediate Part 2 - Generics and Collections
The opening date has been confirmed for Wednesday, May 8th.
Kim Young-han's Practical Java - Intermediate Part 2 Generics and Collections
* Lecture time: 19 hours 24 minutes
* Number of lectures: Approximately 90 lectures
* Lecture PDF materials: 355 pages
[Java Intermediate Part 2 Lecture Contents]
Generics in Java are really difficult to understand properly.
In this lecture, to explain generics as easily as possible, we will first write code without using generics at all. Then, as we gradually introduce generics into this code, we will naturally understand how generics solve code duplication that was difficult to solve with traditional methods.
[Understanding data structures]
This lecture explains the basic theory of data structures so that you can properly understand data structures, and also implements core data structures frequently used in practice with code.
* ArrayList
* LinkedList
* Hash Structure (Hash)
* Hash algorithm and hash table (Hash)
* Tree structure
* Set (Set) and Map Structure (Set, Map)
* Stack and Queue Structures
[Collection Framework]
Java's collection framework is a collection of data structures.
In practice, data structures are used very frequently and are directly related to performance issues, so it is very important to properly understand and use data structures.
In this lecture, you will deeply understand the principles by implementing various data structures used in collections. Therefore, you will be able to properly understand the fundamental reasons why each data structure performs well and poorly in certain cases and utilize them in practice.
In each chapter, you will learn about various data structures through theory and practical implementation. In this way, you will complete the overall Java collection framework and properly understand which data structure to use where.
[Full lecture table of contents]
1. Generic - Generic1
* Project environment configuration
* Why Generics Are Needed
* Attempt to resolve duplication through polymorphism
* Generic application
* Generic terms and conventions
* Generic usage examples
* Problem and solution 1
2. Generic - Generic2
* Type parameter constraints 1 - Start
* Type parameter restrictions 2 - Attempt at polymorphism
* Type parameter restrictions 3 - Introducing generics and their failures
* Type parameter restrictions 4 - Type parameter restrictions
* Generic method
* Utilizing generic methods
* Wildcard 1
* Wildcard 2
* Type Eraser
* Problem and solution 2
* organize
3. Collection Framework - ArrayList
* Array Features 1 - Arrays and Indexes
* Big O notation
* Array feature 2 - Adding data
* Implementing Array List 1 - Start
* Directly implementing array list 2 - dynamic array
* Directly implementing array list 3 - Added features
* Implementing Array List Directly 4 - Generic 1
* Implementing Array Lists Directly 5 - Generics 2
* organize
4. Collection Framework - LinkedList
* Connect to node 1
* Connect to node 2
* Connect to node 3
* Directly implementing linked list 1 - Start
* Directly implementing linked list 2 - Addition and deletion 1
* Directly implementing linked list 3 - Addition and deletion 2
* Directly implementing linked list 4 - Introducing generics
* organize
5. Collection Framework - List
* List Abstraction 1 - Introducing Interfaces
* List Abstraction 2 - Dependency Injection
* List abstraction 3 - compile-time, runtime dependencies
* Performance comparison of directly implemented lists
* Java List
* Performance comparison of Java lists
* Problem and solution 1
* Problem and solution 2
* organize
6. Collection Framework - Hash
* List vs Set
* Implement Set0 directly - Start
* Hash Algorithm 1 - Start
* Hash algorithm 2 - using index
* Hash Algorithm 3 - Memory Waste
* Hash Algorithm 4 - Remainder Operation
* Hash Algorithm 5 - Hash Collision Description
* Hash Algorithm 6 - Hash Collision Implementation
7. Collection Framework - HashSet
* Implementing Set1 directly - MyHashSetV1
* String hash code
* hashCode() in Java
* Implementing Set2 directly - MyHashSetV2
* Implementing Set3 yourself - storing objects you create yourself
* Importance of equals and hashCode 1
* Importance of equals and hashCode 2
* Implementing Set4 directly - Introducing generics and interfaces
8. Collection Framework - Set
* Set1 provided by Java - HashSet, LinkedHashSet
* Set2 provided by Java - TreeSet
* Set3 provided by Java - Example
* Set4 provided by Java - Optimization
* Problem and solution 1
* Problem and solution 2
* organize
9. Collection Framework - Map, Stack, Queue
* Collection Framework - Introduction to Map 1
* Collection Framework - Introduction to Map 2
* Collection Framework - Map implementation
* Stack data structure
* Queue data structure
* Deque data structure
* Deque, Stack, and Queue
* Problem and solution 1 - Map1
* Problem and solution 2 - Map2
* Problem and solution 3 - Stack
* Problem and solution 4 - Queue
* organize
10. Collection Framework - Iteration, Sorting, and Full Cleanup
* Iteration 1 - Implementing Iterable and Iterator directly
* Iteration 2 - Enhanced for loop
* Iteration 3 - Iterable and Iterator provided by Java
* Sort1 - Comparable, Comparator
* Sort2 - Comparable, Comparator
* Sort3 - Comparable, Comparator
* Collection Utility
* Complete collection framework summary
* Problems and solutions
* organize
thank you