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인프런 영문 브랜드 로고



Practical! Spring Data JPA

Spring Data JPA goes beyond the limitations of the past and allows you to complete development with just an interface, without implementing classes in the repository, as if by magic. It also provides all the basic CRUD functions that have been developed repeatedly. We will share practical know-how on Spring Data JPA.

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Spring Boot

Spring Core Principles Open News!

hello everyone

Finally, the long lecture preparation period is over, and filming began last week.

The lecture is scheduled to open next week between September 21st (Mon) and 22nd (Tue) ^^!

This Spring Core Principles lecture is one that I have prepared with great care over the past six months since the beginning of this year. Please look forward to it!

  • Course name: Spring Core Principles - Basics
  • Preparation period: February 2020 - September 2020
  • Number of lectures: 60
  • PPT 65 explaining Spring and object orientation
  • More than 50 pictures for explanation
  • Lecture Materials PDF 159 pages

Spring Core Principles - Introduction to the Basics Lecture

Simply learning and using the functions provided by Spring is not difficult. However, if you want to properly understand and use the core values and principles provided by Spring, you will face a big obstacle. This is because you need to understand the principles of good object-oriented design, such as SRP, OCP, and DIP, along with vague terms such as IoC (Inversion of Control) and DI (Dependency Injection), in order to properly understand the core principles of Spring.

The true core value of Spring lies in object-oriented programming. And the reason why it is difficult to properly understand Spring is because of this object-oriented nature. To grow into the next level of backend developer, you must deeply understand the core values and principles that Spring provides .

This lecture starts from the reason why Spring was created by going back 20 years ago when there was no Spring. And we also go back to that time and create a sample application with pure Java code without Spring. As the requirements change, problems are discovered one by one, and to solve the problems, we solve the problems by applying good object-oriented principles to the code one by one. In this process, you can naturally understand good object-oriented principles (SOLID), IoC, DI, and realize why the Spring container is necessary.

Rather than simply understanding the core principles of Spring theoretically, you will naturally understand them while developing example applications directly in code.

Lecture Table of Contents

  • 1. Object-oriented design and Spring
  • 2. Understanding Spring Core Principles 1 - Creating an Example
  • 3. Understanding Spring Core Principles 2 - Applying Object-Oriented Principles
  • 4. Spring Container and Spring Bean
  • 5. Singleton container
  • 6. Component Scan
  • 7. Automatic dependency injection
  • 8. Empty lifecycle callbacks
  • 9. Empty Scope

The first part of lectures 1, 2, and 3 explain the core principles of object orientation and Spring. And from 4. Spring Container and Spring Bean, the core functions provided by Spring are explained. Beyond simply explaining the functions provided by Spring, it focuses on why these functions were created, where and why they are needed, and most importantly, how they are used in practice.

So, beyond simply using Spring's features, you can properly understand and use how to best utilize them in practice .

After taking this lecture

This lecture is not simply a lecture that explains each and every feature in the Spring reference documentation. It goes beyond the features and explains why Spring was created, why Spring provides these features, and the core principles .

After the lecture, you will be able to use the basic functions of Spring well, and you will have a deep understanding of the essence of Spring . Understanding the essence of Spring is the same as understanding the essence of object-oriented design. Therefore, you can grow from a developer who simply uses the functions of Spring to a developer who thinks about the design and architecture level of object-oriented applications .

Lecture target

The Spring Core Principles lecture is prepared for developers who are new to Spring, as well as developers who use Spring in practice but want to properly understand and use the core principles of Spring. It is also helpful for developers who have many concerns about object-oriented design.

Course name: Spring Core Principles - Intermediate

  • The basics cover object-oriented design, core principles of Spring, and key features you need to know when using Spring.
  • The intermediate version will mainly cover difficult topics of Spring, such as container extension points and AOP operation principles, which were not covered in the basic version. Therefore, you must be fully familiar with the basic version before listening to it. I will share the release schedule and detailed information again once it is somewhat organized.

Please look forward to it. Thank you^^
