We will help those preparing for the Big Data Analysis Engineer Practical Exam with R to prepare for the exam. We will select and inform you of only the essential parts based on the questions that were on the Big Data Analysis Engineer Practical Exam. If you complete the course, you will be one step closer to passing the Big Data Analysis Engineer Practical Exam. We have reviewed the recent exam questions and uploaded related scripts and data. Also check out the latest exam information.
Information on the 5th Big Data Analysis Engineer Practical Exam
The 5th Big Data Analysis Engineer Practical Exam will be held soon.
Is everyone well prepared?
Data Qualification Test ( dataq.or.kr )
If you click on the link above, you will see a notice uploaded by the Promotion Agency.
If you receive the attached file, you will find detailed grading criteria for each type.
Please make sure to check it out once in a while.
For type 1 of the task, use the unname function and decimal point removal (celling, floor, round functions) that I explained.
You should look into the related content.
For task type 2, you now need to specify a column name and submit only that column name.
I think it would be good to practice with special care so that you don't lose points in this part.
Well then, I hope you get good results.