인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Deep Learning & Machine Learning

Deep Learning Practical Project

I want to classify pictures of pizza and spaghetti! This is a deep learning practical project course that follows the A to Z of a practical project to classify images using CNN, one of the deep learning algorithms.

(5.0) 1 reviews

24 students

Deep Learning(DL)
masocampus님의 프로필 이미지


Inflearn ONLY! [Giving wings to Figma with AI] Lecture Invitational. Big. Discount Event Information

Hello, this is Maso Campus. 😊

“Giving wings to Figma with AI” lecture

The surprise discount event is starting~


* This is a special discount offer that is only available at Inflearn for 2 weeks only! 😭

💫 From Figma Basics to AI Design in Just One Click 💫

The good thing about this lecture is,

1. Let’s go over the basic Figma design theory!

2. Anyone can create high-quality app screens! 🤭

3. Improve your skills with practical lectures + AI utilization!

4. AI plugin summary provided! 🤩

This course will definitely help you gain Figma design skills!

We at Maso Campus have been constantly thinking about this.

This is a lecture you won't regret taking.

Just trust us and follow us step by step.


<Surprise Discount Event>

Apply the coupon code below to get 25% off the regular price.

"Giving wings to Figma with AI ( https://inf.run/uDG6e )"

You can take the class.

👉 Discount Coupon Code: 16676-98a398b2dc00

Anyone, whether you are a design beginner, a professional designer, a marketer/planner/developer!

If AI's help and current professionals' practical tips come together

Fun and fast design!

The turning point in my career is right now!

Participate in funding before it's too late
