인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
Data Science


Data Analysis

Python for Data Analysis: From Beginners to Tips

Datarian's Python basics course with over 10,000 cumulative students and rich online/offline lecture experience. It boldly omits unnecessary details such as program installation so that even non-majors can learn easily, and only teaches the core of Python. This is the best course for those who are learning Python for the purpose of data analysis.

(4.8) 63 reviews

626 students

Data Engineering

🤔 Which company should I start my first career as a data analyst? (Application deadline: 7/8)

Data analysts can be divided into ‘in-house data analysts’ and ‘consulting data analysts’ depending on the type of company they work for.

Next Tuesday (7/9) at 7 PM, there will be a seminar where you can learn about the differences between the two types of data analysts , with senior data analysts who have built their careers as consulting data analysts and in-house data analysts .

If you have a colleague or friend who is an aspiring data analyst or junior analyst who is worried about their first company or career, please share the seminar information 🙂

👉 Check out the seminar: https://bit.ly/3GmaJzu


Datalian July Seminar “Data Analysts, Which Company Should You Go To?”

📅 7/9 (Tue), 7pm ZOOM Online


[Part 1 Lecture] This is what data analysts at consulting firms do _ Kim Seon-young, Executive Director of Market Fit Lab Solutions Division

[Part 2 Panel Talk] What is the difference between an in-house data analyst and a consulting data analyst?


👉 Apply: https://bit.ly/3GmaJzu



