인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
Data Science


Data Analysis

Data Literacy - The Skills of Reading and Writing Data

Reading data turns it into money! Even a receipt that would otherwise be thrown away can lead to sales. If you want to turn the data that fills your daily life into results, improve your data literacy.

(4.7) 35 reviews

251 students

Digital Literacy

[Maso Campus] How to use chatGPT, Generation AI Prompt Engineering A to Z

Finally released on Infraon!! Masocampus' latest ChatGPT competency lecture!!

How to use ChatGPT, Generating AI Prompt Engineering A to Z - Understanding and Using Artificial Intelligence

The latest trend in artificial intelligence! chat GPT!!
If you ever wondered why the world is paying attention and how to write it?
Pay attention to the AI lectures at Maso Campus :D

How to leverage ChatGPT to maximize efficiency,
And we'll show you how to write generative AI prompts!
In addition, we have included a detailed guide on how to complete wonderful illustrations using artificial intelligence.

– Understanding artificial intelligence and practical application of ChatGPT
– Understand how generative AI technologies and language processing models work
– Prompt engineering capabilities that leverage generative AI tools to create concrete outcomes
– How to utilize various generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and midjourney

1 million users in 5 days, 100 million users in 2 months!
Completely master the ChatGPT utilization capabilities that can no longer be delayed~

Today is your chance to take Maso Campus’ latest AI lecture, released on Infraon!

How to use ChatGPT, Generate AI Prompt Engineering A to Z - Go to the lecture on understanding and using artificial intelligence
