It is structured so that you can learn a lot of Kubernetes (☸) through pictures. 🧭 In particular, it is written to expand on the verified contents of the already verified best-seller 'Kubernetes/Docker for Building Container Infrastructure Environment' to help you learn Kubernetes itself more deeply. 💯 In addition, practical contents are periodically added to 'Supplementary Class'. 👉 Be sure to compare it with other lectures :)
[Update] Reduced the size of key images used in lectures
Previously, I mainly used (nginx:stable), which was in the late 60MB range .
In these cases, it takes more time to download the image and practice, and it uses more network bandwidth.
Accordingly, you can practice and experience it more quickly.
Changed the base image to (nginx:1.26.0-alpine-slim), which is about 7MB .
We will work to improve and make efforts to help you practice more effectively in a shorter period of time and to help you learn.
thank you
Cho Hoon Dream.