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Won님의 프로필 이미지

작성한 질문수

플렉스(Flex) 반응형 웹사이트 포트폴리오(The World's Best Cities)

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          <h1>The World’s Best Cities</h1>
          <p>It’s not just about good weather or grea    t food and nightlife. Unlike other best-of lists, Resonance’s annual ranking also considers a city’s diversity.</p>

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            <h2>About Best Cities in the world</h2>
              Factors including its highly rated nightlife landed Madrid, Spain, 12th on this list of world’s best cities. It’s not just about good weather or great food and nightlife. Unlike other best-of lists, Resonance’s annual ranking also considers a city’s diversity and, yes, the number of Instagram hashtags shared online to give a comprehensive view of what it’s like to visit and live in these places.<br><br>

              To figure out where you should travel to next, there are plenty of lists out there ranking the world’s best cities. Some use reader polls to determine which place lands at the top, while others base rankings on data like its livability or how easy it is to bike there.
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          <h2>The World’s 25 Best Cities of 2020</h2>
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              <div class="down-desc">
                <span class="badge red">Must go</span>
                <h3>London, England</h3>
                  London’s main sights might date back millennia, but the capital’s shops, bars, hotels, and restaurants emerge and evolve on an almost weekly basis.
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                <span class="badge">Good to go</span>
                <h3>New York City, United States</h3>
                  New York’s performing arts scene—both on Broadway and off—is beloved by visitors and locals alike, so it’s no surprise that the Big Apple took the number one spot.
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                <span class="badge">Good to go</span>
                <h3>Paris, France</h3>
                  The Notre Dame fire was a devastating reminder of how well-loved Paris is by travelers worldwide, and as the capital gears up for the 2024 Olympics
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          <h2>what <b>our customers</b> are saying</h2>
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                <span><b>Coding Works</b>Seoul Korea</span>
              <p class="comment">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Praesentium fugit eos maiores placeat pariatur, possimus libero maxime quod iusto! Culpa perspiciatis adipisci enim pariatur id voluptas deserunt assumenda magni facilis quae earum, sed sint magnam eligendi consequatur, officia praesentium voluptatem nesciunt cum illo eaque accusamus mollitia. Animi ea error accusantium.
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                <span><b>Kate Whitney</b>Los Angeles, US</span>
              <p class="comment">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Praesentium fugit eos maiores placeat pariatur, possimus libero maxime quod iusto! Culpa perspiciatis adipisci enim pariatur id voluptas deserunt assumenda magni facilis quae earum, sed sint magnam eligendi consequatur, officia praesentium voluptatem nesciunt cum illo eaque accusamus mollitia. Animi ea error accusantium.
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                <span><b>Kelly Muvils</b>New York, US</span>
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                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Praesentium fugit eos maiores placeat pariatur, possimus libero maxime quod iusto! Culpa perspiciatis adipisci enim pariatur id voluptas deserunt assumenda magni facilis quae earum, sed sint magnam eligendi consequatur, officia praesentium voluptatem nesciunt cum illo eaque accusamus mollitia. Animi ea error accusantium.
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                <span><b>Oliver</b>Califonia, US</span>
              <p class="comment">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Praesentium fugit eos maiores placeat pariatur, possimus libero maxime quod iusto! Culpa perspiciatis adipisci enim pariatur id voluptas deserunt assumenda magni facilis quae earum, sed sint magnam eligendi consequatur, officia praesentium voluptatem nesciunt cum illo eaque accusamus mollitia. Animi ea error accusantium.
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                <img src="images/client-05.jpg" alt="">
                <span><b>Sophia</b>London, UK</span>
              <p class="comment">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Praesentium fugit eos maiores placeat pariatur, possimus libero maxime quod iusto! Culpa perspiciatis adipisci enim pariatur id voluptas deserunt assumenda magni facilis quae earum, sed sint magnam eligendi consequatur, officia praesentium voluptatem nesciunt cum illo eaque accusamus mollitia. Animi ea error accusantium.
              <p class="client">
                <img src="images/client-06.jpg" alt="">
                <span><b>Charlotte</b>Washington, US</span>
              <p class="comment">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Praesentium fugit eos maiores placeat pariatur, possimus libero maxime quod iusto! Culpa perspiciatis adipisci enim pariatur id voluptas deserunt assumenda magni facilis quae earum, sed sint magnam eligendi consequatur, officia praesentium voluptatem nesciunt cum illo eaque accusamus mollitia. Animi ea error accusantium.

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            <h6>feature article</h6>
            <h2>Can Americans Visit Mexico Right Now?</h2>
            <p>Technically, there’s a ban on nonessential travel across the border through September 21. Then how are people on vacation in Cabo and Cancun right now?</p>
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                  <h3>world ocean travel</h3>
                    The ocean provides a vast seascape for travel. Beyond the cruise ship there are other, more intimate, more environmentally sustainable ways to engage with the ocean. 
                  <span>July 12, 2020</span>
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                  <h3>come to South Korea</h3>
                    While only 60 years ago South Korea was considered a developing country, it’s now one of Asia’s economic and cultural leaders. Super-chic Seoul combines modernism with ancient history
                  <span>August 22, 2020</span>
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                  <h3>Vietnam & Cambodia</h3>
                    Start in Hanoi and end in Bangkok! With the Discovery tour Best of Vietnam & Cambodia, you have a 18 days tour package taking you through Hanoi, Vietnam and 10 other destinations. 
                  <span>June 30, 2020</span>
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              <h6>most shared</h6>
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                  <h3>Events in NYC</h3>
                    New York City is the place to see and do everything
                  <span>May 02, 2020</span>
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                    Experiencing a festival together with a group of like-minded
                  <span>Jan 18, 2020</span>

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        <h2><span>SEE ALL FESTIVALS</span> for the Best Trip Place</h2>
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답변 2


몇년전까지만 해도 IE 때문에 scroll-behavior: smooth 사용을 조금 주저했었는데 지금은 그러지 않으셔도 됩니다.

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CSS에 아래 선택자와 속성주세요.


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Won님의 프로필 이미지

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