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<span>Wave Ocean</span>
The World's Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean is situated between the Americas and European/African continents. Atlantic Ocean is the second largest and saltiest ocean in the world. It resembles an S-shape between the Americas, Europe and Africa. “Atlantic” originated from the Greek god “Atlas” who carried the sky for eternity.
<a class="btn-book" href="#1">Book Now</a>
<a class="btn-learn" href="#2">Learn More</a>
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<a href="#1" data-txt="Attractions">Attractions</a>
<a href="#2" data-txt="Hotels & Spa">Hotels & Spa</a>
<a href="#3" data-txt="Shop & Dine">Shop & Dine</a>
<a href="#4" data-txt="Celebrate">Celebrate</a>
<a href="#5" data-txt="Promotions">Promotions</a>
<div class="audio">
<audio id="ado" src="images/piano-bgm.mp3" autoplay loop></audio>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script>
$(".trigger").click(function() {
var ado = document.getElementById('ado');
ado.volume = .3;
답변 1
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