2028년까지 예측된 데이터베이스 시장 수요 및 성장 분석 그래프

The global Graph Database market size was valued at 1.59 billion US$ in 2020 and is projected to register a CAGR of 21.9% during the forecast period. The growing use of graph database software in the healthcare industry and the growing demand for powerful artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure are some of the key factors driving the market growth and some key factors driving the global graph database market revenue growth. Growing use of graph databases for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and regulatory compliance is also expected to significantly boost the revenue growth of the market. Graphs make it easier to control data migration and security. The database minimizes the possibility of data breaches and ensures more uniformity during data removal, thus increasing the confidence associated with personal data. This is expected to drive adoption of graph databases for GDPR and regulatory compliance and consequently drive market revenue growth.

The researcher has considered all factors affecting the growth of the Graph Database market on a global and regional scale. This report regards the COVID-19 pandemic as one of the major influencing factors of the graph database market. The pandemic has disrupted the supply chain and economic scenario of the market and has hampered the growth of the market. The report details the overall impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Graph Database market and key segments. The report also provides the current and future impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the market.

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Some key highlights of the report services sector

  • Revenue is expected to expand at a fairly stable CAGR over the forecast period. As the implementation of graph database solutions increases, the need for related services including implementation, support and consulting will increase, which is expected to drive revenue growth in this segment.

  • The cloud segment is expected to register a fairly stable revenue growth rate over the forecast period, driven by increasing deployment of cloud-based graph database solutions for remote access to graphs and data.

  • The North American market is expected to register a faster CAGR than other regional markets owing to the rapid growth of the healthcare industry along with increasing adoption of graph database solutions and services by healthcare institutions in countries such as USA, Canada, and Mexico.

Visit @ to learn more about the report. https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/graph-database-market

Additionally, the report provides details on new players entering the market, entry-level barriers, and provides strategic recommendations to overcome these barriers to gain a substantial industry. has exist.

The major players operating in the graph database industry are

Microsoft Corporation, Amazon Web Services, Inc., Oracle Corporation, International Business Machines Corporation, DataStax, Inc., ArangoDB GmbH, TigerGraph, Inc., Cambridge Semantics Inc., BitNine Co Ltd입니다. , Neo4j, Inc.

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Eric Lee

기업 영업 전문가

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